Because the studio is in my family’s home, there is a kitchen, bathroom, & a cozy place to cuddle with your baby between pictures or for feeding! I want you to feel as comfortable as you would if you were hanging out in your living room and feel as if you can relax, because especially with a newborn 2 minutes to sit is a beautiful thing! Weather permitting we can go outside onto the historic porch, into our gazebo or sit on a quilt in the grass. I am so excited for the endless opportunities and memories that can be made here!
***A side note for husbands/partners and anyone else who does not like picture day.
I get it, I really do. I had a Dad one time lean over to his Brother in Law and say, “When St. Peter sends me to purgatory for my sins, it’s going to be picture day every day!” (that’s a true story)
I know it’s hard, the kids are running around in different directions, it seems like no one is listening and daughter #3 has a crazy smile that she only brings out for photos.
Come out to McFarland and see me, I’ve got this. It won’t be painful I promise. I might ask you to play with your kids, maybe kiss your wife, but really that’s it.
You let me handle picture day.
You know now where I shoot, let’s learn about our sessions!